Claritin: The Outsideologist Project: Unboring Starts With U



Claritin is a brand that celebrates the simple joys in life and wants kids to be able to enjoy the outdoors allergy-free. But there’s a big problem: kids spend less than 8 minutes playing outside each day, but an average of 7 hours on their screens! Why? Turns out they think the outside is boring. But not spending enough time outside ends up affecting their physical and mental health, especially amid the pandemic. In response, we launched Claritin's new campaign, “The Outsideologist Project,” with a clear mission: get kids outside 1 more hour per week for better health, and ultimately make the outside the least boring place on earth! To do so we created the “Unboring Starts With U” music video that would appeal to parents and kids alike. The song teaches kids about weird facts about neighborhood creatures, fun ideas for outdoor activities, and encourages kids to get outside!