Jack Daniel's | With Love, Jack

Jack Daniel's


This social video from Jack Daniel’s was created in response to COVID-19 to serve as a gentle reminder to stay home, while also acknowledging humanity’s need to socialize, safely. The feel-good work showcases the resilience of the human spirit by depicting many of the inventive ways that people are connecting while practicing social distancing. The video was created from user-generated footage of real human interactions that were filmed authentically, and safely, from home. The spot was created in only 7 days from brief to on-air and ultimately adapted into 130 creative assests in six languages. It features a new rendition of Cyndi Lauper’s “True Colors,” which was also recorded from home by the singers featured in the video, Kenny Fleetwood and Whitley Little. The film concludes with an important message: “Dear Humanity, Thanks for making social distancing, social. With Love, Jack. Drink Responsibly From Home.”